Security Conference

The private security environment is ever-changing. SCS Corp. understands the importance of maintaining an attitude of flexibility and adaptability in our operations. In order to facilitate the sharing of feedback and information, SCS Corp will hold a security conference for Site Supervisors and Site Managers.

In addition to providing a forum for the exchange of ideas, the conference will offer an opportunity for staff to undertake additional training, receive guidance from Senior Management, and partake in development exercises. It will also afford an opportunity for the recognition of outstanding individual performance within the business.

As client feedback is fundamental to the achievement of quality outcomes for our clients, SCS Corp. also invites key clients to be involved directly in the conference.

Crime Prevention

SCS Corp. partners with stakeholder groups involved with any asset protection assignment to enroll support and foster communal security awareness and deterrent behavior and activities.

This program is driven through a number of initiatives including but not limited to:

  • Officer engagement with stakeholder groups.
  • Stakeholder communication and education program.
  • Environmental design review in coordination with stakeholder groups.
  • Intelligence collection, collation, analysis, and proactive tactical deployment.
  • Cultural and community liaison.
  • Coordination and cooperation with law enforcement.
  • Strategic and tactical planning.
  • Ongoing performance measurement and review.
  • Industry and government liaison with best practice sharing.

Responding to Incidents

In accordance with the above exercises, incident scenarios are incorporated within this regime and all debriefing sessions are documented with corrective actions generated to improve the response activity. Findings and improvements are incorporated within standard operating procedures, which are used to familiarise officers across the SCS Corp, not just within the local center.

Skills base training is provided initially for all officers which provides base-level skills. Scenario training reinforces skills, and when coordinated by an experienced facilitator incorporating simulated stress, provides the optimal officer development program and ultimately improves response to actual events.

Incident exercise scenarios may incorporate the full array of events, from motor vehicle matters to multiple offender and terrorism events, and review measures from proactive strategy through to complete investigation incorporating police, coroner, offender, legal support, and prosecution role-playing.

SCS Corp. also incorporates trauma management and employee assistance programs to support any officer involved with serious incidents. Having an awareness of the effects upfront incorporated in training assists in awareness if employees suffer from post-traumatic stress and enable team members to identify indicators in other team members.

Counter Terrorism

  • Maintain a disciplined identification, escalation, and communication regime.
  • Maintain state and Federal Police liaison including CT and LAC communication.
  • Maintain communication with intelligence agencies and monitor publications through the Business Liaison Unit and the Trusted
  • Information Sharing Network for critical infrastructure resilience.
  • Monitor media and alert through the National Terrorism Public Alert System.
  • Maintain current counter-terrorism response plans for each center in alignment with the National Counter-Terrorism Plan. incorporating
  • Ensure plans have succinct security service provider actions for each level of alert, low, medium, high, and extreme.
  • Support Crisis Management programs and business continuity planning and testing.
  • Exercise plans regularly in accordance with emergency situations
  • Assess sites to identify vulnerabilities to current modus operandi or potential attack in order to focused proactive or defensive strategy.

Our Client

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